If you want to block system updates without a custom DNS, use this method. In the absolute worst case this can brick your Wii U. I hacked my wii with no problems and the hack in the sticky has pretty thorough instructions, so that probably wont be a problem, just wanna start fresh with my own account. If you don't do this, you allow Nintendo to update your console without asking. For example if you own a PAL Wii and you download an NTSC game ISO that may contain a wii update this. Possible to play online, smash, mario maker? This won't brick ur wii u but ur screen will glitch out as red dead pixels but just unplug your wii u and its back to normal. Here is a very useful tool the Wii Brick Blocker Tool. Possible to go above a certain firmware making it unhackable? I know I can stop auto updates after the hack is installed. Since I have no idea where this started, can I erase everything and start all over, creating a new user and then apply the hack in the sticked thread? Or will the hack stay even after a factory reset? The friend I got it from got it from another friend that had hacked it so I am not sure if progress has been made since the hack was applied. But nothing else on the system would indicate that its hacked. I checked the firmware and it says 5.5.1 U. He didn't really explain how the hack worked to me, other than saying it was some kind of browser that loads the game. I know I can play then from the dvd drive as my chip has brick blocker turned on.